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CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 2012-132
Original file (2012-132.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied





Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No. 2012-132 


This proceeding was conducted according to the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and 
section  425  of  title  14  of  the  United  States  Code.    The  Chair  docketed  the  application  upon 
receipt of the applicant’s completed application on April 27, 2012, and subsequently prepared the 
final decision as required by 33 CFR § 52.61(c). 
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case. 

This  final  decision,  dated  January  18,  2013,  is  approved  and  signed  by  the  three  duly 


 The applicant asked the Board to correct his record by changing his home of record from 
St. Clair, Michigan to Fort Myers, Florida, retroactive to January 5, 2009.  He alleged that when 
he moved to Florida, the yeoman informed him that his mailing address needed to be changed to 
Florida but not his home of record.  He stated that he followed the advice of his yeoman.   

The applicant stated his Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is paid at the Michigan rate 
instead  of  the  Florida  rate.    He  stated  that  he  discovered  the  error  on  March  5,  2012.    The 
applicant submitted a 2009 W-2, showing civilian employment in the state of Florida.  He also 
submitted  a  copy  of  his  Florida  driver’s  license  and  a  copy  of  his  insurance  card  showing  a 
Florida address.   


On  September  28,  2012,  the  Judge  Advocate  General  (JAG)  of  the  Coast  Guard 
submitted  an  advisory  opinion  recommending  that  the  Board  grant  alternative  relief  in 
accordance with a memorandum submitted by the Commander, Personnel Service Center (PSC).  
PSC recommended the following alternative relief: 

The  applicant’s  home  address  should  have  been  entered  into  “Direct Access”  to 
show [his Florida address] on February 1, 2009 to coincide with applicant’s move 




[to  Florida].  The applicant’s State of  Legal  Residence (for military benefits  and 
pay purposes) should have been changed from Michigan to Florida on February 1, 
Changing  the  applicant’s  home  address  may  cause  differences  in  entitlements 
owed by the Coast Guard for BAH and BAS [basic allowance for subsistence].  It 
may also affect the applicant’s State of Legal Residence [for] tax earning purposes 
back through February 2009. 
PSC stated that according to the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, a home of record 
cannot be changed.  It can only be corrected.  PSC stated that based upon a review of documents 
in the applicant’s military record, the Coast Guard believes that the applicant intended to request 
[on  his  BCMR  application]  that  his  home  address  as  noted  in  “Direct  Access”  be  changed  to 
reflect his move from Michigan to Florida.  PSC stated that the applicant transferred from a duty 
station in Michigan to one in Florida on February 1, 2009, and his mailing address was changed 
to his Florida address in “Direct Access” on February 3, 2009, but his home address remained at 
the  Michigan  address.    PSC  stated  that  on  March  6,  2012,  the  applicant’s  home  address  was 
corrected to the Florida address in “Direct Access.”  PSC stated that although the applicant lived 
in Florida, he received BAH at the Michigan rate until March 6, 2012.   




Coast Guard.  He agreed with the alternative relief recommended by PSC. 

On  November  4,  2012,  the  Board  received  the  applicant’s  response  to  the  views  of  the 




The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the applicant's 

1.  The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to section 1552 of title 10 

military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submission and applicable law: 
of the United States Code.   The application was timely. 
2.   The  Coast  Guard  admitted,  and  the  Board  agrees,  that  the  applicant’s  home  address 
and legal residence in “Direct Access” should be changed from Michigan to Florida retroactive 
to  February  1,  2009.    The  Coast  Guard  also  admitted  that  the  correction  could  result  in 
“differences in entitlements owed by the Coast Guard [to the applicant] for BAH and BAS [basic 
allowance  for subsistence].”   The Coast  Guard  also  noted that the correction could  impact  the 
applicant’s state income taxes retroactive to February 2009.  The applicant agreed with the relief 
recommended by the Coast Guard.     

3.  Accordingly, the applicant should have the relief recommended by the Coast Guard.   






The application of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXUSCGR, for correction of his military record 
is granted.  His record shall be corrected to show that since February 1, 2009, his home address 
has been his current address in Punta Gorda, Florida, and his legal residence has been in the State 
of Florida.  The Coast Guard shall pay him any sum it owes him as a result of these corrections.   

No other relief is granted.   


 Philip B. Busch 



 Ashley A. Darbo 



 Dorothy J. Ulmer 





































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